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How To Distinguish The Quality Of High Alumina Bricks?

High-aluminum bricks are generally used for industrial furnaces such as steel, iron making, hot blast stoves, electric furnace tops, blast furnaces, reverberatory furnaces, rotary kiln linings, etc., which are mainly composed of high alumina bauxite; sillimanite minerals (including Kyanite, red sill, sillimanite, etc.; artificial composition of materials, such as industrial alumina, mullite, fused corundum and so on. Different refractory brick manufacturers produce refractory bricks with different characteristics. Different from raw materials, how to quickly distinguish the quality and technical quality of refractory bricks is particularly important. A buyer or salesman can identify the good or bad of high-alumina refractory bricks with only a decade of “experience”. These experiences are both high-rise and difficult to use for “small white” just entering the refractory industry. The text is summarized, so how do you just use the eye to identify the quality of a high-alumina refractory brick?

High alumina brick has the characteristics of good application quality, high refractoriness and long service life. It is the primary refractory brick product used in industrial furnaces. In general, the unit cannot correctly distinguish the quality and grade of high-alumina bricks during the acquisition, resulting in the purchase of low-grade goods at a high price, and then reducing the service life of the furnace.

So here is a brief introduction to how to identify the quality of bricks when acquiring high-aluminum bricks.
   1. Color: When purchasing high-alumina bricks, the first thing to look at is color. The excellent high-alumina brick surface is lubricated, the color is yellow and white, the four sides are flat, no break angle, no cracks, and few black spots.
   2. Appearance impurities: In addition, it is to look at the content of impurities in the surface of refractory bricks. In high-aluminum bricks, we often see some black spots on the surface. These are the impurities in the raw materials. In theory, the less impurities, the better. Since these impurities are mostly iron oxides, they are simply reduced to molten iron in the high temperature environment of the kiln, forming damage to the refractory brick structure, and then affecting the service life of the refractory bricks.
   3, the weight: to weigh the weight of a single brick, according to the weight of the first-class high-aluminum brick component of about 4.4 kg. The component of the second-grade high-alumina brick is about 4.0 kg, the component of the third-grade high-aluminum brick is about 3.7 kg, and the upper and lower floating 0.1-0.2 kg is within the normal error range. To weigh the weight of a single brick, the weight of the first-class high-aluminum brick is 4.4 kg, the weight of the second-grade high-aluminum brick is 4.0 kg, and the weight of the third-grade high-aluminum brick is 3.7 kg, the same level, the same parameter model can reach This standard can be regarded as high-quality high-aluminum bricks. On the contrary, the description of this weight is not good. If cracks, uneven corners, and broken corners are found, it is unqualified.