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Quality identification of high alumina brick

     High alumina brick is one of the commonly used refractory materials, the main component is AL2O3. Many users are more interested in its relationship with clay bricks and the differences between the two.
     High-alumina bricks are distinguished according to their content of aluminum oxide (Al2O3). Currently, 48%, 55%, 60%, 65%, 73%, and 75% are commonly used. Of course, there are The higher content is attributed to corundum bricks.
     According to the content of 55 or less, it is called clay brick, which is a neutral refractory material, which is made of bauxite or other materials with high alumina content and is formed and fired. It has high thermal stability and a refractory temperature of 1700°C. It is used for lining of glass melting furnaces, cement rotary kilns, and steel-making electric furnaces. Of course, there are some high-alumina clay bricks with high-load softness, low creep, and low porosity. The finished high-aluminum bricks require a mix of raw materials based on different applications.
     High alumina bricks and clay bricks are not only different in alumina content, their production process is similar, but the clinker in the ingredients is higher, which can reach 90-95%, and the firing temperature is higher than that of clay bricks. A lot of it, in the actual test, the first and second high alumina bricks are mostly used in tunnel kilns with a temperature of 1500-1600°C, blast furnaces, furnace roofs, reverberatory furnaces, rotary kiln linings and many other kilns.
     The content of high alumina brick and clay brick are not used, and the occasions used are different. Users must first understand the products they need, and then understand the product parameters from the relevant staff to choose the products that are suitable for their use.
     High-alumina refractory bricks are generally used in China for iron and steel, steelmaking, hot blast stoves, electric furnace tops, blast furnaces, reverberatory furnaces, rotary kiln lining and other industrial kilns. They are mainly composed of high alumina bauxite; sillimanite minerals ( (Including kyanite, red sapphire, sillimanite, etc.); artificially composed materials, such as industrial alumina, mullite, fused corundum, etc.
     High-alumina brick has the characteristics of good application quality, high refractoriness and long service life. It is the first refractory brick product used in industrial kilns. The general application unit cannot correctly distinguish the quality and grade of high-alumina bricks during the acquisition, which results in the purchase of low-grade products at high prices, and then reduces the service life of the kiln. Therefore, find a refractory network here to briefly introduce How to identify the quality of bricks when using aluminum bricks.
     Color: When acquiring high-alumina bricks, the first thing to look at is the color. The surface of the high-alumina brick is excellent in lubricity, the color is yellow and white, the four sides are flat, there are no broken corners, and no cracks.
     Weight: To weigh the weight of a single brick, according to the weight specification, the weight of a high aluminum brick is 4.5 kg. The weight of the second grade high alumina brick is 4.2 kilograms, the weight of the third grade high alumina brick is 3.9 kilograms, and the equal grade. The type of equality parameters that can reach this specification can be regarded as excellent high alumina bricks. If cracks, uneven corners, broken corners, etc. are found, they are unqualified products.