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Sillimanite refractory brick

Introduction to Sillimanite refractory brick 

Sillimanite refractory brick is a refractory bricks made of sillimanite minerals. The sillimanite is calcined at high temperature and converted to mullite and free silica. Sillimanite refractory brick is generally used high temperature firing method and mud casting method. Its physical and chemical properties are better than high alumina bricks, refractoriness 1770 ~ 1830 ℃, load softening start point 1500 ~ 1650 ℃.
Application of Sillimanite refractory brick 

Sillimanite bricks are currently mainly used in the tin bath roof tiles of float glass production lines in the flat glass industry. Because sillimanite refractories have good high-temperature thermal stability, they are resistant to erosion and erosion by molten glass, and have little pollution to molten glass. It is suitable for equipment such as forehearths, feeders, and pipe-drawing machines in the glass industry, which can significantly improve productivity. Products include channel bricks, flow troughs, rotating pipes, bowls, bowls, mixing slurry, punches, barrels, fire-stop slag bricks, gate bricks, front arch bricks, rear arch bricks, bowl cover, and openings Various varieties and specifications such as bricks, burning nozzle bricks, beams, and cover bricks.
Production Process of Sillimanite refractory brick

1)Raw material to factory→checkout→burdening→stirring→mixing→taking out the raw material,
2)Crushing→Mixing→Shaping→Drying→Firing→Inspection→Packaging and Shipment.
